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When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that animal goes to Rainbow Bridge.  There are meadows & hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together . There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine, and our friends are warm & comfortable.  


All of the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health & vigor!  Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.  The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.  

They all run and play together but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.  His bright eyes are intent.  His eager body quivers.  Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster!  


YOU have been spotted; and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion never to be parted again.  The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life, but NEVER absent from your heart.  


Then you cross Rainbow Bridge.....................together..... 

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Our angel Little Star from Dolly's 1st litter of pups was stillborn & as hard as I tried, she was unable to be revived. Loved even before they are born, the hurt of losing a puppy even without having taken a first breath is felt deep. 

Little Star will always be remembered with love

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This precious boy from our "G" litter lived only a short while after being delivered by c-section.  Though in our lives for such a short time, he was loved from the moment we met him.......and from that moment, had a piece of our hearts forever.  Rest in peace sweet GOLIATH, and run free at rainbow bridge.


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Heartland Biewer Terrier's 1st Angel -


They say if you are a breeder it is bound to happen sometime, but nothing can EVER prepare you for the heartache & helplessness you will feel when it our lives for just 5 short days, but forever in our hearts. 



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Camie presented us with our "E" litter on February 10, 2015.  She gave birth to 4 beautiful puppies!  Sadly, the last pup to enter the world was stillborn. I named this sweet soul "Emanuel" which means "God is with us".  

RIP sweet Emanuel; you will be forever & always in our hearts.


LUCKY - my heart dog, our number 1, the paw-triarch of our fur family, and the start of so many wonderful things for me . . . . .


It breaks my heart to have to add this photo and post to my website.  Lucky was my dream come true, and the start of everything I have done, everything I have become in regard to the Yorkies and Biewer Terriers.  It is because of him that I have been living my dream of owning. raising, and showing the dogs I have had, and to have been a small part of helping to bring the Biewer Terrier breed to full AKC acceptance as part of the Toy group.  Lucky brought so much happiness and love into my life and has opened up so many opportunities for me that would still be only a dream if it had not been for him. 

Many people that have known Lucky have commented, "there's just something about Lucky", and that there certainly was. 


My sweet Lucky boy, my "Lucky Lady's Dream Dog" will be sorely missed and ALWAYS own a huge piece of my heart.


Nov. 19, 2004 - Nov. 5, 2020

TOBY - a part of our Heartland family since early 2008, our little Toby was as sweet as can be.  I could probably count on my fingers the number of times we were lucky enough to get a kiss from him, as he preferred to gently paw or sniff at our faces . . . like butterfly kisses!  He loved being outside in the yard and almost always grabbed a toy on his way out to take with him.  He was known as our peeping tom as his favorite thing to do was to sit at the privacy fence and peek through the spaces between the slats into the next yard.
On July 2, 2019 at shy of 12 years Toby let us know it was time for him to go.  The heavens cried right along with us as we said goodbye during a brief thunderstorm, and shortly afterwards a rainbow appeared letting us know that Toby had arrived at rainbow bridge to wait for us.  


Ours special sweet little Toby . . . loved & missed.  SEPTEMBER 28, 2007 - JULY 2, 2019

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Seeing how big this beautiful boy was on the x-ray image, a c-section was planned for the safety of this pup, his siblings, and their mama (Camie).  Sadly fate had different plans for him and his life here with us would last only a very short time after his birth.  There was no rhyme or reason that we could see as to why he (the largest pup in the litter of three) did not wake up & thrive after being brought into the world.  Sleep well sweet boy, to wake up in Gods loving care. 

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                                                         1993 - 2007

                                      Not a Yorkie, but he was our first furry                                                family member.  It was my kids that                                                      discovered Alfie, through a teacher at their                                        school. We brought him into our home in                                          January 1994 & his gentle nature,                                                        playfulness, and eagerness to learn made                                          him a wonderful addition to our family.  He                                        was just like one of the kids and was included in all the holiday family festivities, including dressing up in costume every Halloween.  In November 2007, just after turning 14 years old, it was Alfie's time to go to Rainbow Bridge.  To this day, Alfie is still remembered with love.

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                                                HALLE - one of our Yorkie                                                        originals.  She was a gentle                                                      beauty & blessed us with 3                                                      litters of puppies before                                                          retiring to live with a woman                                                    that became a good friend.  In                                                  March of 2023 I was thrilled                                                      that her mommy brought Halle for a visit, i think knowing that her "time" was drawing near. Halle went to Rainbow Bridge just a couple of months later in May and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to see her that one last time.

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AKC Lovely Little LEXIE

2006 - 2018

Lexie was our first female Yorkie; retired from breeding and living with a family in Oklahoma since 2008.  On May 30, 2018 I heard news of her passing, and even though Lexie has not been here with us for many years the news of her death brought tears to my eyes & sobs from my heart, because no matter how long or how far away; once a Heartland family member, always a Heartland family member. 

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